What Is Unique About A Messianic Congregation?
You certainly don't have to be Jewish to come. But, if you are, we hope you'll feel right at home!

You may ask, “What is the difference between a Messianic congregation, a Jewish synagogue, and a local Evangelical church?” What a great question!

  • Let me say first of all that both Messianic and non-Messianic Jews believe in the EXACT same God - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the God of Israel. We teach from the same Hebrew Bible...nothing altered. The difference: Messianic Jews believe the Messiah has come - the very Jewish Messiah - and will come again. As our Jewish sages have taught and scripture reveals, there are two sides to the Messiah: the suffering servant, Son of Joseph (Isaiah 53) and the victorious King, Son of David. We believe scripture is clear - Yeshua had to fulfill the suffering servant first, and did so 2000 years ago. He will triumphantly fulfill the fullness of His purpose as victorious King - the Lion of the Tribe of Judah - at His return.
  • Secondly, Messianic Jews and Gentiles also believe the same core doctrines as Evangelical Christians do. The differences are not doctrinal, but how we live out and understand our faith in light of how the original followers did so. Without a doubt, Messianic believers are deeply evangelical: the only way into true relationship with God is through receiving Jesus as the ONE TRUE AND FINAL atonement for sin. His incarnation, resurrection and return are doctrines cherished by all the Messianic believers I know and certainly those associated with CBY.

So what makes a Messianic congregation unique? Simply put, we desire to express our faith in Yeshua the Jewish Messiah in a Hebraic way, the way our orignial forefathers - the earliest followers of Jesus - expressed their faith. How do we express our faith in a genuine way? Most obvious is that we observe the biblical Sabbath (Saturday) and Feasts as outlined in Leviticus 23:

  • Passover (and Feast of Unleavened Bread)
  • First Fruits
  • Shavuot (Pentecost)
  • Yom T'ruah/Rosh HaShana (Trumpets)
  • Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
  • Sukkort (Tabernacles)

In a Messianic congregation, these feasts are not only celebrations of critical milestones for the Nation of Israel outlined in the Scriptures (Leviticus 23), but are clear road maps to redemption leading us to the person of Yeshua as Messiah.

Messianic congregations can also provide many opportunities for Jewish families as well as friends of Messianic Jews to come and experience the “Jewishness” of Yeshua rather than simply hear about it!

Some aspects of the service are in Hebrew, including a more traditional Hebraic liturgy similar to those Jesus Himself participated in, with an emphasis on reading the Scriptures. Just as there is in a shul and in most churches, an expository message is taught—usually a bit longer than the brief sermon preached by the average rabbi or preacher.

Our Onegs (service-related meals) and get-togethers are similar. But when we have a meal, you can expect no pork or shrimp (cheesburgers are ok).

Click on the contact button below or feel free to contact us if you have any further questions: 770-485-1217.

With Much Love,
rabbi Daniel

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Everything You Need To Know
Come As You Are
  • What is it like?
    • Casual and relaxed
    • We're a family from all walks of life, languages, skin tones, backgrounds and level of education
    • Dress like you would if you had guests to your home for the first time
  • What about my kids?
    • Our Shabbat school is for children 2-9
      • All children remain in the sanctuary during liturgy worship and the reading of the Torah
      • They will be dismissed to Shabbat school after prayer and before the message
    • For children under 2, we ask that they remain with parents in the sanctuary. We also have a quiet room with a broadcast of the message for you to bring your child if he/she needs changing or some time to "chill."
  • Where do I park?
    • In the parking lot ;-)
  • How can I get connected?
    • Speak to one of our greeters (anyone who smiles and says, "Welcome to Beth Yeshua!!!") on the way in or the way out
    • Please feel free to fill out a contact card or enter your information on line


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